Transport packaging
With longterm experience and familiar care Spang packs its fragile products for international transports

Wooden pallets, available as Euro-Exchange, heattreated export or PoS oneway half pallet, have proven themselves worldwide as stable, reusable and also natural packing material. Cardboard perforated plates or compartments stabilize the planters on the pallets. The PE shrinkfoil fastens the product on the pallet to arrive at your warehouse in perfect condition. Our item numbers reflect this packing solution with the ending -P, -X, -Y or -D.

Usually for smaller purchase quantities, Spang offers inner packaging such as cardboard trays, corrugated wrapping or foils. Item of the ranges Ceramano Colors as well as Ceramano Waterproof are traditionally offered in tray packaging. This ensures better protection during transport in addition to the simplified handling.

The inner packaging can easily be identified in our item numbers: -T for tray packaging, -F for foil wrapping and -W for corrugated paper. Small sized flower pots are packed in classic cardboard boxes -K.